Products in the Inspired Dermactive range are specially formulated by members of our Team who over the past 10 years have researched, clinically tested, and improved the natural healing qualities of Paw Paw. All products are made in Australia’s only carbon neutral cosmetic facility and are certified and tested by Dr. Elizabeth Steels BS, Ph.D., ARCS, Senior Research Fellow – University NSW. For more information on our research and development activities visit

Natural and Sustainably Produced

  • Made using 100% NATURAL Ingredients
  • Free from Petrochemicals, Parabens & Sulphates
  • Not tested on Animals
  • Produced a carbon-neutral environment

100% Australian

  • Made with Australian Ingredients
  • Manufactured in Australia
  • Meets Australian Government Law

100% Australian

Breakthrough Innovation – Fresh, Active Paw Paw

  • Over the last 10 years the founders of Inspired Products have researched, clinically tested, and improved the natural healing qualities of Paw Paw.
  • Patented Formula + Activated Enzyme Enhancement Process creates Dermaxylate (naturally activated Paw Paw extract).
  • Additionally using ripe fresh Paw Paw fruit has the advantage of utilising the activity from all of the natural phenolic and antioxidant compounds aiding increased skin cell regeneration.

Certificates and Awards

  1. 35 Years of investment and R&D in skincare efficacy of Paw Paw.
  2. Continued Research investment in skincare.
  3. Certification and Awards.
    • Carbon Neutral Manufacture UDIA Certified
    • ISO 22716GMP
    • 2011 AJP Award for best Complimentary Medicine in Australia
    • Independent Certifier and Tester ‐ Independent Health Services Pty Ltd

Experience Senior Team Management

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